OG&E Phone Number

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OG&E Phone Number Contact Information

Customer service & Toll free : OG&E Phone Number info

How to contact OG&E? Below is a list of 800 phone numbers for OG&E Phone Number.

Customer Service: 1-800-743-5000

  • Welcome to OG&E Customer Service. To setup or audit a portion design, say installment course of action or press one.
  • For account adjust and related points of interest, say account data or press two.
  • Affirm, account data, please say or enter your record number including the number after the dash. In the event that you don’t have the foggiest idea about the number say I don’t have any acquaintance with it or press star one.
  • To begin, stop or exchange benefit, say administration or press three.
  • For installment choices or to report an installment, say charge installment or press four.
  • Help with oge.com say, site or press five.
  • For all other demand, say more alternatives or press seven.
  • More choices. To report a power blackout or for other repair needs, say repair focus or press one.
  • For a duplicate of your present electric bill, say copy bill or press two.
  • In the event that you are calling to get your OG&E account number, say account number or press three,
  • to address a Customer Service Representative, say Customer Service or press zero.
  • In the event that you’d get a kick out of the chance to backpedal to the past menu, say backpedal or squeeze star.

Emergency: 1-800-522-6870

  • Welcome to OG&E blackout revealing framework.
  • To report a brought down electrical wire press or say four,
  • Report a power blackout inside your home or business press or say one.
  • To report your blackout we have to know either the telephone number or the OG&E account number for the area where the power is out.
  • In case you will enter the telephone number press or say one,
  • in case you will enter the OG&E account number press or say two.
  • To report lights going now and again press or say two,
  • to report incomplete or diminish light press or say three.
  • Report a road light or security light out or some other issue press or say five.


Source: www.oge.com/phone